Friday, April 10, 2009

Freedom: We All Want It

Freedom is good as well as too much can be bad. It always has a price. The good for the majority of the people always will outweigh to what is good to the individual. This life is a doggy dog world. We always have to be on guard for a better opportunity or else we get stranded where we stand.

However this is only if you choose to take that point of view. Knowledge is very powerful, however it is very hard to maintain and keep organized as well as proceed through life at the same time. You must prioritize your opportunities as well as you struggles.

If you choose not to you will end up with a mess on your hands and you will be arguing so much it will be hard to acquire new knowledge. Acquisition of knowledge helps us mature. This is life's major goal.

So if we want freedom it is extremely difficult to get as well as to maintain. We all our made uniquely. You have to recognize that to get freedom as well as maintain it, we all have different passions, different dreams and different ways of acting. So freedom is very hard to maintain as well as to get in the first place.

In order to receive it and maintain it we all first have to learn to relax and not get so worked up over everything. We all want our passions. Few of us want them by conflictive ideas. It’s just that people for see different consequences to actions and anger builds up over unique details as well as circumstances which cause a odd behavior to occur. However everyone originally has great intentions, we just pursue them different ly.

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