Monday, April 6, 2009

Crayola Country

There is this land of colors. All the colors exist there. All hues are there as well. No violent intensions are ever there. If violent intentions ever surface they are immediately resolved.
These colors live in a state of bliss always and forever. They are one with each other. They never have any violence or struggles. Instead they just please others with their whole existence.
It’s a place where it would be wonderful to visit. The strange thing is we could be in this place always by just relaxing and taking it easy with life. We should take things as they come and not always preparing for the worst, just letting life take care of us. The only requirement to living there is to accept everything the way it is.
The colors form a rainbow daily to celebrate their unity. Crayons are sharp, pretty, and dull, some have weird names, but they all live in the same box and make beautiful pictures together. #piccadillyinc 

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