Saturday, July 11, 2009

Eternal Optimist

To be happy as well as to always look on the bright side is all rewardingly hopeful to look toward the future. You just see beauty in everything which is reinforced by every entity you come in contact with on this great journey of existence. Knowledge that there are other superb eternally optimistic entities is just enough to get through the day to day rough spots of life in all realities imaginable.

We have to remain extremely calm as well as look for humor within all the situations. For it is there, it only is hiding because it is in a game of hide and seek; however you shall only find it if you really want to. The only question is; how long are you willing to wait.

Blessings, Blessings, Everywhere

Blessings are all over. We just have to open our eyes and see them. There are actually many more blessings than we perceive in the existence of this reality as well as all other realities that we create. We just have to keep hope alive and stay as upbeat as well as positively positive as we can possibly be. #piccadillyinc 

Sunday, June 28, 2009


The phenomenon of caring has effects of great magnitude in solving problems.
Whatever bothers you has deep affects on your actions.

Problems are constantly affected by other problem phenomena. Issues have their own ways of working out. Problems may become drastic before they are solved. They always have commonalities.

Tempo rally problems can make sense but only if they are viewed in the temporal problems. You have to sometimes reverse your stance on fear. You have to always mutate your opinion to make it the most useful that it can be.
Time makes aspects of living the most magnificent positively and negatively experience that life can be. Causes have to be unambiguous fought together to make a true difference.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


There are different aspects of openness. It all comes from one source which subdivides into several sub sources which divides into a spirit. We can all be driven by the source. At the same time we could all have different roles within exist.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Just smile.

A smile is a good contagent. The more it spreads the better, for smiling makes
us feel better throughout our life. It could be looked at as a sheild throughout

Smiling relieves tension. Tension of the smiler as well as all who see the smile
leaves. It is miraculous, the occurance has very infectious tendencies.

The positivity is endless from a smile. It is a simple thing, however it could
positively enhance wonder miraculously. It produces such wonder and beauty, but
it is one of the simplest thing we can do. When misery comes just smile at it.
Some may say you are not dealing with your issues, however you are just
reflecting them away. Be that as it may, it is your way of showing your
unstoppable drive throughout your life.

Life is full of issues, both good and bad. We deal with them. It is our choice
how. Positively or negatively. We always have that choice. They both are
extremely magical. Their wonder is of true magnificense to all exsistence.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Laughter is….

Laughter is a very confusing phenomenon. We do it when something is funny, or catches us off guard, or is so complex we cannot understand it. I am sure there are other times when we laugh as well.

It is literally and utterly mystically funny. It takes such vast degrees of knowledge because of the fact that there are different interpretations and reason for laughter to exist. The most common cause of laughter is something that an individual does. This is a jealousy laughter, which makes others feel bad, because it is not used properly. #piccadillyinc 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Imagination: What is it?

Imagination: What is it?

Imagination is a vital gift; its essence should be utilized by everyone supplementary. We have so much possibility with imagination. We can do all that we dream. We should get back to having the capacity to dream as well as imagine everything you want. That is one of the few ways to achieve it.

Anything is possible; you can have anything or everything your heat as well as your soul desire. The only thing required is a little work.


A very humorous occurrence, it is. Playing hide and seek with people’s lives can be very intriguing. This has its own sets of rules that are in constant growth and change. It can transform any situation into the most wondrous adventure. It revolutionizes everything it touches at all times.

So you have to take people at what they declare as well as how they perform in common activities. You have the right to advise them, but only that. You should not get too involved with the situation you are advising people about.
You should always stay high in the sky. That is where true living is able to take place through imagination. Imagining our concept of reality, we become the masters of our own domain.

In being of authentic standing you are being the most honest living being that you can become. It’s being true. Being true to yourself and others as well, as much as possible. Truthfulness makes everyone feel fantastic.

It also takes a vast degree of courage to be that truthful in life. You have to be of great strength and morality. You also have to have a lot of energy to deal with the many fallacies that come your way.

Just live life in the moment. For that is all you are capable of, if you know or not or have awareness of. You shouldn’t take what people say so seriously. It does not last for all eternity, as people will lead you astray to believe. For, they might change their mind in time or their views may change within some degree.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shoot For the Stars; You just might reach them

If you don’t you are not living the fullest life you can. If your potential is set high, you may get something you had no idea you could ever achieve.

When you aim high, you set your goals high. You may miraculously surprise all who had put limitations on your potential. Most gratifying of all you, yourself will know you are unstoppable.

Beautifully Created

We all are beautiful. Each and every life form is beautiful. We have to recognize and believe this. Everything you do is a magnificent expression of love and your belief of all forms of freedom. You are very precious in your life and the lives of all you touch for a second or twenty years or longer.

Time can’t take away your beauty. Age has no chance to ever remove it. Age is man made so is manmade and so it cannot touch what nature gave you. It can’t touch your most beautiful possession which is you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Smile: You’re on Candid Camera

A smile is the first and most important accomplishment of positive harmonic values. This is so because in order to smile outwardly you have to have a sense of worth and value of your internal self. Smiles or true smiles replicate at a quantity immeasurable by any mathematical formula. It has such power no evil can defeat its power.

A smile may not look as powerful as it is, however it multiplies at a speed greater then light that it can cause vast amount of happiness and joy to occur. It is so infectious that it can cure any sickness or treat any illness way faster than humanly possible. All it takes is to be fueled by a little belief, thus making it have multitudes of power. SO SMILE.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Moving From Victim to Victor

• It is not good to remain in the of what was done
• Choosing to tell the story differently
• Learning that it does not have to stop there.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Freedom: We All Want It

Freedom is good as well as too much can be bad. It always has a price. The good for the majority of the people always will outweigh to what is good to the individual. This life is a doggy dog world. We always have to be on guard for a better opportunity or else we get stranded where we stand.

However this is only if you choose to take that point of view. Knowledge is very powerful, however it is very hard to maintain and keep organized as well as proceed through life at the same time. You must prioritize your opportunities as well as you struggles.

If you choose not to you will end up with a mess on your hands and you will be arguing so much it will be hard to acquire new knowledge. Acquisition of knowledge helps us mature. This is life's major goal.

So if we want freedom it is extremely difficult to get as well as to maintain. We all our made uniquely. You have to recognize that to get freedom as well as maintain it, we all have different passions, different dreams and different ways of acting. So freedom is very hard to maintain as well as to get in the first place.

In order to receive it and maintain it we all first have to learn to relax and not get so worked up over everything. We all want our passions. Few of us want them by conflictive ideas. It’s just that people for see different consequences to actions and anger builds up over unique details as well as circumstances which cause a odd behavior to occur. However everyone originally has great intentions, we just pursue them different ly.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ways of Being Happy

Living a Happy Life and Ways of Being Happy
1. Have fun as much as you can
2. The only rule is to stay in a good mood
3. Be happy and content in all you can do
4. Have fun with what you wear
5. Be bold and have fun with it
6. Be good at all you are capable of
7. Capabilities grow throughout time
8. Make hurrying through life the funniest funfest you can that is possible
9. Remain one with nature throughout
10. Be proud of yourself, what you do, and what you become
11. Please others as much, in pleasing others you will please yourself
12. Do all you want and accept you have to live with it
13. Structure is always better then chaos, however it is found within chaos
14. All life is a waiting process of one miracle to another.

Crayola Country

There is this land of colors. All the colors exist there. All hues are there as well. No violent intensions are ever there. If violent intentions ever surface they are immediately resolved.
These colors live in a state of bliss always and forever. They are one with each other. They never have any violence or struggles. Instead they just please others with their whole existence.
It’s a place where it would be wonderful to visit. The strange thing is we could be in this place always by just relaxing and taking it easy with life. We should take things as they come and not always preparing for the worst, just letting life take care of us. The only requirement to living there is to accept everything the way it is.
The colors form a rainbow daily to celebrate their unity. Crayons are sharp, pretty, and dull, some have weird names, but they all live in the same box and make beautiful pictures together. #piccadillyinc 


Diversity is so beautiful. It should be cherished and not fought over.
In a sense diversity is like colors that are blended together. They may, individually, be troubled by being so close. However, from a distance they appear so beautiful.

Next time you get angry, just remember anything and everything you do is just gorgeous. Everyone is so beautiful to most everyone. That beauty combined makes a magnificent masterpiece, of which we all are a part of and we all are as well. Also together we are a world full of beautiful individuals.