A very humorous occurrence, it is. Playing hide and seek with people’s lives can be very intriguing. This has its own sets of rules that are in constant growth and change. It can transform any situation into the most wondrous adventure. It revolutionizes everything it touches at all times.
So you have to take people at what they declare as well as how they perform in common activities. You have the right to advise them, but only that. You should not get too involved with the situation you are advising people about.
You should always stay high in the sky. That is where true living is able to take place through imagination. Imagining our concept of reality, we become the masters of our own domain.
In being of authentic standing you are being the most honest living being that you can become. It’s being true. Being true to yourself and others as well, as much as possible. Truthfulness makes everyone feel fantastic.
It also takes a vast degree of courage to be that truthful in life. You have to be of great strength and morality. You also have to have a lot of energy to deal with the many fallacies that come your way.
Just live life in the moment. For that is all you are capable of, if you know or not or have awareness of. You shouldn’t take what people say so seriously. It does not last for all eternity, as people will lead you astray to believe. For, they might change their mind in time or their views may change within some degree.